
At school, we are continually monitoring what students are searching, as they are blocked from many websites. Each child has signed a code of conduct in the beginning of the year around the use of IT services at school and this is always referenced, should a problem occur. As teachers, we support students to make responsible choices when online. This is done through the Digital Technologies Curriculum as well as the Child Protection Curriculum, where Cybersafety education plays a vital part.

What is Cybersafety?

Cybersafety is ensuring that all people are safe and responsible while using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Technology is much more accessible and students are spending more time online. There are a number of issues that students need to be aware of when online. They should be made aware of personal details online, password protection, cyber bullying etc.

There are a number of resources available online to help students understand the importance of being safe. You may want to go through these with your child as well. Click on the various links below to go to the websites/video clips that look at different Cybersafety issues.


ThinkUKnow provides useful information about young people and the technology they are using, the challenges they may face online and how to support them to overcome these challenges in a safe and ethical way, as well as some practical tips you can apply at home and in school to make the online environment safer.

eSafety Website

On this website you will find information and real time interactive learning activities that address social networking, cyberbullying and online grooming.

eSafety – Parents

Parents are sometimes unsure of where to start when it comes to parental controls and what information they need to know about. The safety commissioner has an excellent website with easy to read information. The section for parents has a range of resources where you can learn about the digital environment that your child has access to and how to support your child to have safe and enjoyable online experiences.

Childnet International

Childnet International features Captain Kara, Winston and the Smart Crew. There are five chapters to look at.

Hector’s World

For Students Aged 5-7 Years

A free resource, Hector and his friends enjoy playing computer games and chatting online. They use their computers, the internet and mobile phones the cybersmart way. Explore the online world with Hector and find out how to stay safe.


For Early Year Students

This website contains ebooks on online safety. This is a great website for Junior Primary students. There are games, videos and YouTube clips. One particular video is Bad Netiquette, which focuses on knowing the rules online, passwords and viruses. More information is available online.