

Parkside Primary has adopted a dress code statement to:

  • support the health and safety of students attending the school
  • ensure the appropriateness of clothing
  • encourage student identification with their school community
  • reinforce the school’s identity in the community
  • ensure that inappropriate and/or fashionable clothing is not worn.

Whilst the wearing of school uniform cannot be made compulsory, there is a general expectation that it will be worn. It is acknowledged that it may not be possible for students to wear uniform five days a week. Whilst it is preferable to wear the school uniform this expectation will be tempered with maximum flexibility.

At the time of enrolment new parents and students will receive a school information folder which will include a copy of this statement.


All students are required to wear hats (Legionnaire, bucket or wide brimmed hats) from 1 September to the end of April. Students attending without hats will be unable to participate in outdoor activities during school hours. No hat, no play.

A supply of new hats for purchase by parents will be available at all times from the school office.


Parents and caregivers should ensure that children wear practical and comfortable footwear which enables them to safely participate in a range of activities.

The wearing of open toe shoes should be avoided and is discouraged.

Staff concerns about footwear will be directed to the parent in the first instance.

School Colours, Style and Appropriateness of Clothing Worn

Parkside offers a range of uniform styles to suit the different sizes and shapes of students and their preferences. The range may be added to or altered from time to time depending on availability and emerging styles and preferences.

At the time of enrolling new students, parents will be encouraged to purchase Parkside School colours and style of clothing either from the school or through other outlets.

Gold or maroon T-shirts, embossed with Parkside’s emblem, are matched with maroon or navy blue shorts or track pants. Windcheaters and rugby tops are worn in the cooler months, both in maroon and maroon and gold.

Parents will be advised in writing via notes home, of upcoming excursions encouraging the wearing of school colours.

Staff concerns about an individual student’s dress should be directed to parents in the first instance.

The wearing of jewelry such as necklaces, earrings and rings will be actively discouraged. These items are a risk to the safety of students during physical activities and care must be taken. The wearing of studs in ears is permitted.

Sports Teams

Parkside Primary School students representing the school in sporting teams and activities will be required to wear the Parkside sports top.

Representing the School

Students representing Parkside Primary School on formal occasions will be provided with a Parkside Polo top.

Parents, wherever possible, will be advised of outings or special occasions, to ensure that the students participating are in uniform.

Social Justice

The School acknowledges that dress can become a basis for discrimination and for peer pressure and that this may create difficulties for:

  • students and the school in terms of affecting learning outcomes and developing respect for self and others
  • parents in terms of having to respond to child requests to provide certain articles of clothing.

There will be an emphasis on promoting an environment free of direct or indirect discrimination and free of peer pressure on the basis of dress issues.

In keeping with principles of social justice, the Principal may arrange for uniform items to be made available to parents in extenuating circumstances. Parents and or staff should contact the Principal to discuss the situation.

The school has, from time to time, Dress Up Days, Go Casual Days or Special Days which may involve socks, shirts, hair etc. All students are encouraged to participate in these whole school activities.