The library at Parkside Primary School is run by our Teacher Librarian, Mrs Cristia, as well as SSO Victoria and student library monitors.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Students receive their PRC Student Reading Records from their teachers. PRC reading records are used by students to keep track of the books they have read during the challenge.
Each time a student reads a book, they will need to record the title and author and have the book signed off by a parent, guardian, teacher or librarian. Every student who participates in the challenge must complete a Student Reading Record and as soon as it is completed, bring their record to the library.
As each student hands in their sheet, we will file them, put their name on our PRC display wall in the library, and they will receive a Parkside Primary School Premier’s Reading Challenge sticker. Official PRC certificates and medals are handed out in a special assembly in Term 4.
Books can be from the PPS library, public library or a home library. Please note, if your student has completed a Premier’s Reading Challenge in another state, please indicate that on their reading record.
For further information and a list of PRC books, please visit the PRC website:
Premier’s Reading Challenge website
New Books
Hi everyone. Welcome back to the new school year. We’ve just come back from an exciting trip to our book supplier. We have purchased the next books in your favourite series and diverse, beautifully written and illustrated fiction picture books.
We have some new graphic novels as well as junior fiction books aimed at our younger readers who are starting to read on their own. There are also new novels to inspire our more advanced readers.
‘Bee’ on the lookout for our new bee-themed fiction and non-fiction books to celebrate the school’s new bee hotel and we will ‘bee’ running a competition to fly alongside that theme.
To follow up on the success of last year’s Book Week initiative, when students chose books that they wanted to have in the library, we have introduced a requests book. Students can recommend books that they have read, or would like to read, that we should purchase for the library.
We would like to end by reminding everyone that library bags are a requirement. A simple cloth bag or even a clean shopping bag would be great. We are trying to protect all our beloved books and ensuring that they can be borrowed many times over.
Book Week
Here are some photos of Book Week.