Volunteers Policy

Volunteers are an integral part of our school. Your participation in the work of the school is greatly appreciated and valued. While the welfare of our students is our highest priority, we want to do everything possible to ensure your involvement is a rewarding experience. There are updated requirements as outlined in the documents linked below. The volunteer information pack can be obtained on the website or through the front office. Once forms are completed, you will need to return to the front office for a short five-minute induction with a member of the administration team.

Volunteering RRHAN and History Screening (PDF, 215 KB)

Volunteer Agreement (PDF, 205 KB)

Volunteer Application Form (PDF, 260 KB)

Record Keeping

The school’s administration staff need to know who is in the school at any one time, especially in case of emergency, so you will be required to sign in at the school office and sign out on your departure.

Student Behaviour

We expect students to treat you with respect and courtesy at all times. If students behave inappropriately, you should tell them that their behaviour is offensive or inappropriate. If the behaviour persists, please seek help from the supervising staff member or senior staff.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Schools must comply with Information Privacy Principles regarding the use and release of information. Any personal information (including names, addresses, telephone numbers, circumstances or situations of any nature) about students, staff and volunteers that you become aware of during your volunteer work must not be shared, unless it is required by law, eg it is relevant for reporting alleged child abuse. Refer all requests for access to files and records to the supervising teacher. Please refrain from making any comments about the use of individual teaching methodologies or student behaviour management methods.

Conversations with Students

Remember that you are acting as a role model to the students who observe you. Your language and topics of conversation should be above reproach.

Being Alone with Students

You should be within sight of a member of staff when working with an individual student. Do not shut or lock a door so that you are in a room alone with a student. You will not be required to mind a class in the absence of a teacher.


Please use the staff toilets and do not enter toilets allocated for student use. You will not be required to assist with toileting students.

First Aid

If a student is injured or ill, please advise the supervising teacher or School Office as soon as possible. Our first aid officer or other staff member will provide first aid/comfort to an injured or distressed student and contact parents if necessary.

Mandatory Notification of Child Abuse

Under the Children’s Protection Act, 1993, as a volunteer you are obliged by law to notify the appropriate State Government Agency if you suspect that a child (under the age of 18) has been abused or neglected. This is done by telephoning the Child Abuse Report Line, 131 478. Failure to notify suspected child abuse or neglect is an offence.

If you observe someone who works with children, eg teacher, SSO, sports coach or volunteer, acting in an inappropriate manner, telephone the Child Abuse Hotline. Do not question those involved as this could compromise an investigation. The law does not require that you prove your suspicions, but it does require that you report your suspicions. Consult the principal or member of senior staff for advice if you feel the need.

Responding to Abuse and Neglect Training

It is now a requirement that all volunteers have the latest Responding to Abuse and Neglect training, so you will need to update yours online. Course details can be found at this link:

Department for Education | RRHAN-EC Training

Occupational Health Safety and Welfare

The school is responsible for providing a safe working environment. You are asked to take reasonable responsibility for your own health and safety and avoid the possibility of an accident or injury while you are at the school. Special care is needed when lifting heavy objects. Do not be involved in any activity which is likely to put you, a student or anyone else at risk. Please familiarise yourself with emergency procedures for evacuation and report all injuries and accidents occurring whilst at the school to School Office staff as soon as possible. Further information is available in the Occupational Health Safety and Welfare Manual, located in the staff room.


The Volunteers Protection Act, 2001, protects volunteers from being sued for an act or omission done or made in good faith and without recklessness while carrying out volunteer duties. The Department manages claims for out-of-pocket expenses arising from personal injury sustained by volunteers in schools. Further information is available from the Principal or Department’s Administrative Instructions and Guidelines.

Policies and Guidelines

A range of policies and documents concerning the school’s operations can be found in the staffroom.

Department for Education Volunteers

Every year thousands of parents, care-givers, families and members of the community generously volunteer their time, skills and expertise to support the well being and achievement of all children and students in preschools and schools.

We are especially grateful for the long tradition of volunteering in Department for Education sites and the diverse range of support given to a wide range of programs and activities.